C++ Tutorial: Animate Your Controls

Submitted by Bright777 on
   Hi. It is Bright777 and today we are going to play a little with animation in Visual C++. Also we will learn new control, called Picture Box Control and will use the old one – Timer Control. The program will be very simple and interesting. So if you are ready let’s begin. Intro    Picture Box control is used to display pictures in your application. It can be added to your program like others – just drag it on your form and then select picture in the properties.

Tourist App

Submitted by seniox.kalvio on
This app Safari256 focuses on tourists visiting Uganda for the first time .Safari256 will be the name of the app and it will be updated occasionally thanks to the easy mechanism provided on the Android platform. The app will first use a prototype based on our local tourism demand then later it will move to greater East African Market then to Africa and later to the greater international market. Though this app can be made to be an international mobile app, we will not go for that due to the limited time we have to make this app as a

Compute Square Root using Math.Sqrt in VB.NET

Submitted by donbermoy on
In this article, i will introduce another function in VB.NET regarding the Math Functions, the Math.Sqrt(). Math.Sqrt() function provides to compute the square root of a number. This will help the students to solve their quizzes and exams regarding how to get a square root of a number by only a manual solving. haha. LOL. :) So, now let's start this tutorial! 1.

Compute Exponential Number using VB.Net

Submitted by donbermoy on
In this article, i will introduce again some function in VB.NET regarding the Math Functions, this is Math.Pow(). Math.Pow() Function in vb.net computes a number that has an exponent.It returns a specified number raised to the specified power. So, now let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application. 2.

How to use Math.Min Function in VB.NET

Submitted by donbermoy on
Last day, I introduced the Math.Max Function in VB.Net. Now I will introduce the opposite of it, the Math.Min Function. Math.Min is a function in vb.net that has its class in Math. Math.Min() Mathematical Function in Visual Basic.Net is used to return the smallest of two decimal or integer numbers. Note: This function is only applied in two integer or decimal numbers. So, now let's start this tutorial! 1.

Screenshot Application in VB.NET

Submitted by donbermoy on
If you’ve got a problem with a program, you may be wondering how to show someone the errors you’re receiving. Luckily, taking a screenshot of your current display is just very simple in only pressing the 'PrintScreen' in your Keyboard. but there's one way to do this because we will make an application that captures your screen. So, now let's start this tutorial! 1.

C++ Tutorial: Monitoring System Time C++/CLI

Submitted by Bright777 on
   Hi. It is Bright777 and today we are going to do a program to monitor system time. In my program I will use SYSTEMTIME structure and Timer Control from visual C++. All work I have done in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. Preparation    First of all, you need to create a new project of Windows Forms Application Type. After that you should place controls like in the image below or something else. For showing system time I use standard Label component. Also you need to add two buttons to your form and a Timer Control.