Android FRONT CAMERA App v1.2

Submitted by donbermoy on
Hi guys! This is my another creation in Android that i have created my own version of accessing Front Camera. This app features to capture photos using the front camera of your Android phone. When clicking the capture button, it will automatically create a folder in your gallery named FrontCam and then have randomized image name from 111 to 33333, and after that it will saved at your default directory in your phone. Install fc.apk in your phone and run it.

Simple Clock in Visual Basic

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create a simple clock in Visual Basic. Design: For this, we simply need a new Windows Form, with one label - call it; 'clockLbl'. You may center the label to the middle of the form in both x and y axis' and give it a large font size. We also need a timer, name this timer1. Set it's interval to 1000ms/1second and it's enabled state to 'True'. Form Load: On form load, we want to initiate the label with the current computer time.