Interact With Webpage Using Chrome and jQuery - Mass Follow on Twitter!

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to use basic jQuery knowledge and Google Chrome to manipulate a webpage. Notes: The webpage we will be using for this is Twitter of which we will be following a page full of users with a simple, one line jQuery command. First: You need to find a list of users of which have the 'Follow' button displayed next to them.

Computerized Enrollment and Billing System for CRSHS

Submitted by donbermoy on
This is a complete Enrollment and Billing System for Caraga Regional Science High School that has also a grading system. This system is basically a project for Software Engineering Subject made by my classmates with a particular group. It was programmed using Visual Basic 6.0 and SQL Server 2000. This system features: Transaction Student -All Students -Active Students -InActive Students

JLT Traveller’s Inn Reservation System

Submitted by joken on
This JLT Reservation system is a capstone project of BSIT student as their final requirement of the said subject. Using this system,the user is able to view gallery of JLT Traveller’s Inn. It can also allow the guest user to reserve a room. This system has an admin side wherein the administrator can view and update and delete the reserved rooms. The admin side has also a user management system

Chat Box w/ Login and Registration

Submitted by GeePee on

Learn how to create a simple chat box with login and registration using PHP, Jquery and Ajax. Once you have registered in the site and login, you can then start to chat. The messages you sent are saved in the database and are displayed in the chat box which all users can view. You can test this project by opening two(2) different browsers with different username in each browser. Hope you learn

San Ramon Catholic School Enrollment System

Submitted by janobe on
This Enrollment System is made by the fourth year, Graduating students of the Kabankalan Catholic College for their thesis. In this system they used Visual Basic 2008 and MYSQL for their Database. It also generates reports using the Crystal Reports. Its features contain, such as: * Login and Logout * Enrollment Form * Student (List Of Students, List Of Enrolled Students, Student’s Subject and

How to get the Name Of Multiple TextBoxes Using For Each Loop

Submitted by janobe on
In this tutorial I will teach you how to get the name of a specific TextBoxes by using For Each Loop in VB.Net. This method will determine what are the names of your TextBoxes that you drag it on the Form. You will be able to find out the specific name of the TextBox because it will be seen in each TextBoxes. So let’s begin: Open Visual Studio and create a new Project. Drag all the TextBoxes and a Button.

Empath Point Of Sale

Submitted by Blank Null on
I have designed an exclusive Point of Sale in 2010 and Ms Access 2013. It includes many fancy features: Items Employees Suppliers Customers Sales Invoices Quotes Back up data See daily sales See owing customers Please Note : Accept Shortcut key : F10 Cancel / Close : ESC Username : Musa ; Developer ; Technician Passcode : musa ; develover ; technician Copy database file "ECMIS " to local

Feeds Product Inventory System

Submitted by joken on
This simple Feeds Product Inventory System is created using PHP/MySQL and a twitter bootstrap framework. This system is able to record new acquired product and can be classified in to a different can also monitor the in and out of a product. The system also a user management system wherein the admin can create, update and delete user. To use this system, you need to extract first the