Sudoku Game using python 3.3.4

Submitted by engrmarcel on
#‎using‬ python 3.3.4 to develop sudoku game ‪#‎sudoku‬ game from random import randint ‪#‎generate‬ board def build_board(): board=[] for i in range(9): block=[[" "," "," "], [" "," "," "], [" "," "," "]] board.append(block) return board ## ## Ensure no other block in the same row has the value ## def row_available(block, row, board, num): # Determine which of the main 3 rows this 3x3 block is at

Inline Action Listeners in Javascript

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to use inline listeners through jQuery/Javascript in HTML elements. Inline? Inline simply means that the code is written inline with the element that it is linked to, as opposed to elsewhere within the same file, or even an external file like most .css (Cascade Styling Sheets) are. Listeners: There are many different listeners which can be used to interact with the users actions, a couple I will show you how to use are; onmouseover onclick As I am sure you can depict from the above two examples, onmouse

Linked Lists using C++

Submitted by moazkhan on

Linked Lists using C++

In this tutorial, you will learn 1. Different operations of linked list. 2. Implementation of linked list. 3. Why some of the basic functions are available What are the different operations in linked list? Following are the operations linked list is supposed to perform. 1. Traversal: There must be a way to access the elements of a linked list. In linked list, we have data and a pointer pointing to next element.

How to Remove Close button from a form's system menu in Visual Basic .NET

Submitted by Walterjnr1 on
It is obvious that Visual Basic doesn't have a built-in way to manipulate the system menu that appears when you click the upper left corner of a form, but it's not too hard to use API functions to remove some or all of those buttons. This example uses the following Imports statement: Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices From Walter , +2348067361023. For more tutorial and free research project topics/thesis, visit or Email = [email protected]

Data Structures using C++

Submitted by moazkhan on

Data Structures using C++

Only basic concepts will be discussed in this tutorial. Implementation using codes will be discussed in next tutorial. In this tutorial, you will learn 1. Advantages of using arrays. 2. Draw backs of arrays. 3. The basic concepts of linked list. 4. Types of Linked List. 5. Linked list vs. Arrays. 6. Creating a linked list using Object Oriented Programming. What are some advantages of arrays? As most of you know the basics of C++ programming or programming in general so you all must have used arrays.