Online Heavy Equipment Testing - Setting up ProjectID

Submitted by nikzcruzalde on
Online Heavy Equipment Testing System was built using PHP/MySQL in PDO Approach. This post was just a part of the Heavy Equipment Testing System that I've built. I have used the following technology to develop this system: - PHP Data Objects (PDO) - HTML5 - Twitter Bootstrap - MySQL - jQuery Hope it can help you. Contact me via SMS at +639473849799 or email me at [email protected] for

Basic Datatables in PHP

Submitted by GeekRedz on
Creating CRUD grid is a very common task in web development (CRUD stands for Create/Read/Update/Delete). If you are a senior web developer, you must have created plenty of CRUD grids already. They maybe exist in a content management system, an inventory management system, or accounting software. If you just started web development, you are certainly going to experience lots of CRUD grids' creation

Screen Position Grabber

Submitted by RMS on
SCREEN POSITION GRABBER Do you want to know the positions of each form in your project? Or having trouble in knowing size or resolution of screen? Then this free "SCREEN POSITION GRABBER" app in is meant for you. The app displays form's size (width & Height), positioning (X-axis & Y-axis) and Mouse current positioning (X-axis & Y-axis). It's really helpful as programmers dealing with scr


Submitted by Muzammil Muneer on


In this part you will learn: 1. What is polymorphism 2. Why need polymorphism 3. What is virtual function 4. What is pure virtual function 5. Program 6. Output Polymorphism Polymorphism means having many forms. In c++, when we are dealing with classes and their inheritance, there occurs a case when we have more than one derived classes of the base class. Using polymorphism we can call a member function, which will, depending upon the type of object that invokes the function, cause a different function to perform. Polymorphism makes the program simple.

How To Set Up Master And Slave MYSQL

Submitted by thusitcp on
In this tutorial I am going to teach you one of the most important MySQL techniques that you must use in your software development. Today huge amount of business use MySQL as their data base. Imagine if their database corrupted what would be happen ?, If your server crashed what word you do ? So we must use database backup technique to overcome those issues. Now I am going to explain you one of

Change Stylesheet in Javascript

Submitted by GeePee on
This project will teach you how to change the web page stylesheet using javascript. I have here in my example the 3 different buttons. On click of the button, the sizes or the web page style will automatically change according to the style you set up. I have 3 different styles(small, medium, large), so I have also to create 3 stylesheet named small.css, medium.css and large.css. It is easy and it