Queue Interface in JAVA

Submitted by moazkhan on

Queue Interface in JAVA

In this part of the tutorial set you will learn. 1) What is an interface Queue? 2) What is advantage of using Queue? 3) How to implement Queue in JAVA? What is a interface Queue? Queue is one of the data structure in the programming languages. Data structures are meant to store data in an organized manner. Queue can be of the first in and first out (FIFO) and they can also be of last in and first out type (LIFO). Every queue has different type of ordering properties. Here we will be discussing first in first out queue.

Exception Handling in JAVA

Submitted by moazkhan on

Exception Handling in JAVA

In this tutorial you will learn: 1) What is exception in JAVA? 2) What is throw block? 3) What is try and catch block? What is exception in JAVA? Exception is some unusual event that may happen in the program which also requires special attention of the programmer. Dealing with the exceptions require a lot of overhead processing. Not every error has to be indicated by an exception. Exception separates the code that deal with the exception from the code which is executed during normal running of the program.

Compilation of My Android Apps and Android Tutorials

Submitted by donbermoy on
These are the list of my Android Application and Android Tutorials that will help you in your capstone/thesis for a quick reference. Android Apps 1. Android SMS Application using Basic4Andriod Link - http://www.sourcecodester.com/6336/android-sms-application-using-basic4andriod.html Password: thecreator 2. View and Display PDF Files in Android Link - http://www.sourcecodester.com/android/8933/view

ArrayList (Dynamic Array) in JAVA

Submitted by moazkhan on

ArrayList(dynamic array) in JAVA

In this tutorial you will learn 1) What is an ArrayList? 2) Why we use ArrayList? 3) How we use ArrayList? What is an ArrayList? ArrayList is a data structure. The ArrayList is java class that is extended from AbstractList class. It is actually an array but the property that makes it different from the ordinary array is that its size can be changed dynamically. The ordinary array’s size in unchangeable once defined.

2D Array in JAVA

Submitted by moazkhan on

2D arrays in JAVA

In this part of tutorial you will learn 1) What is a 2D array? 2) Why we use 2D arrays? 3) How we use 2D arrays in java programming? What is a 2D array? One dimensional array is a linear array, while the two dimensional array is such an array which has the rows as well as columns. The 2 dimensional is an array within an array so the each entry is divided further allowing us more entries to be included. It is a nonlinear array which is has a vertical length and horizontal length as well. Why we use 2D arrays?

Loops in JAVA

Submitted by moazkhan on

Loops in JAVA

In this tutorial you will learn: 1) Why do we need loops in JAVA? 2) For loop in JAVA 3) While loop in JAVA 4) Do while loop in JAVA 5) Continue and Break Statement in JAVA Why do we need loops? Loops allows you to execute a statement or block of statements repeatedly. For loop is used when the number of iterations are already known. The for loops keep executing until the specific condition is met and when the certain condition is met the execution terminates.

Access Specifiers, Attributes and Methods in JAVA

Submitted by moazkhan on

Access Specifiers, Attributes and Methods in JAVA

In this part of the tutorial you will learn. 1) What are the Access Specifiers in JAVA and how we use them? 2) What are the attributes in JAVA and how we use them? 3) What are the Methods in JAVA and their use? What are the Access Specifiers in JAVA and their use? The access to the contents of the class’s attribute and the methods is determined by the access specifiers.