How to Convert Text Input to Speech Output

Submitted by ashok05 on
How to convert text input to speech output The usage of text to speech is been increasing day by day, one of the main applications are automatic birthday wish speaker. VB.NET provides simple steps to convert text to speech, they are 1) Import the text to speech library 2) Create a SpeechSynthesizer instance 3) Use speak method. Explanation 1) Import the text to speech library .net framework

OOP PHP CRUD Operation Using MySQLi - Part 1

Submitted by razormist on
In this tutorial, we will tackle about Object Oriented Programming PHP CRUD using MySQLi as a database server. Object Oriented Programming is an organize structured that consist of different functions inside a class. It is mostly used by an advanced programmer because for them this is some what a new challenge for their programming carreer.

JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts Course Review

Submitted by admin on
Understanding JavaScript could really be hard that you might want to drop everything in front of you. However, there is a course that is really designed to give a deeper understanding of this programming language. The JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts is a course that could help you understand and comprehend the difficult concepts like the Closures and Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript

OOP PHP Registration and Login - Part 2

Submitted by razormist on
In this tutorial we will create a simple login form in an Object Oriented Programming(OOP). In my last tutorial I created a registration form operated by using PHP functions, but this time we will continue on for what we left behind. Before we proceed make sure you have read my previous tutorial OOP PHP Registration and Login - Part 1, because I will still using that, and I will add some new stuff to make this simple program complete.

Simple Drag and Drop Image Upload with MySQLi

Submitted by razormist on
The Simple Drag and Drop Image Upload with MySQLi was develop by using MySQLi/jQuery. This simple source code uses jQuery function to process the image when being dragged and dropped into the drop zone. The given source code can teach you on how to drag and drop a simple image to an advanced approach. It is an user friendly kind of source code, feel free to modify it and use it to your project