Ajax Form Validation With PHP

Submitted by razormist on
In this tutorial we will create a Ajax Form Validation With PHP. AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX is a new technique for creating better, faster, and more interactive web applications. We will try to merge PHP as a serve side scripting for responding the request of the web browser. So let's see now. Creating A Database To create database, start by opening any kind of web server(wamp, xamp, etc...). After that go to phpmyadmin then click create database, and name the database as 'db_user'.

Simple Image Upload Using AngularJS/PHP

Submitted by razormist on
In this tutorial we will create a Simple Image Upload Using AngularJs/PHP. AngularJS is a structural framework for dynamic web apps. It is a kind of template that extends HTML to a new level of coding techniques. By using angularjs will try also to save the image through PHP server. So Let start coding!! Creating Database To create database open your local server(wamp, xamp, etc...). Then create a database and name it "db_image".

School Management ERP Software

Submitted by ajayv462 on
School Management System for best administration of school management. Username: admin Password: admin Username: staff Password: staff Username: student Password: student Features: Fees Management Attendance Management Certificate/ Notice Creation and Printing Examination & Results Class & Time Table Management School Bus/Transportation Management Financial Accounts Management Purchase and Store

Number Guessing Game in Android

Submitted by admin on
In this game, you’re going to guess the number generated by the computer. What you’re going to learn on this game as an Android developer? You will learn how to use Random() function to generate a random number when the app starts. You’ll also learn how to use If Statements to determine if the number that the gamer guess is lower or higher than the generated number. This is totally for the beginner. Play around with the code and make any changes as you wish. Happy coding! Note: I just learned the code from the course "The Complete A