Learn and Understand AngularJS Review

Submitted by admin on
Are you looking for a course that could help you fully understand AngularJS and master the concepts behind it? The Learn and Understand AngularJS could be the perfect course to achieve that. This course has a high rating as it sits comfortably at 4.6 and has more than fifty thousand enrolled students. This comprehensive course is perfect for web designers and developers who want to master

Simple Color Picker Using jQuery

Submitted by razormist on
In this tutorial we will try to create a simple color picker using jQuery. jQuery is a fast, reliable kind of cross-platform javascript library. It is designed to simplify the traditional way of coding in javascript. This application can also help you decide on what color will you use on designing your on website. So let's now do the coding. Creating the Mark Up To display the color picker will need to create the mark up language, to do that open any kind of text editor(notepad++, etc).

HyperTyper Game

Submitted by Mr.Niemand03 on
About: A Mini Typing Master Game Coded and Compiled using Visual Studio 2010 Requirements: 1. Install Gunplay3D.ttf first. Don't worry font is included in the archive 2. Visual Studio 2010 or later versions How To Play: Just like Typing Master Game, Try to type the word(s) inside the box while it is going down as fast as you can. Score is determined by the numbers on the left or right side of the

Over weight or Under weight Program in C

Submitted by bbmevada on
Here I created a program which will tells you about your weight. If you enter the value below 80 kg then it will shows that you are underweight else overweight. Here i also putted a limit of 1000 kg. If you enter the value 1000 then the program will close automatically. I hope this program will help you to learn about if else and nested if else statement in c.

Simple Table Generator Using jQuery

Submitted by razormist on
In this tutorial we will try to create a simple table generator by using jquery. jQuery is a cross-platform javaScript library design to simplified the modern HTML client side scripting. jQuery syntax was made to make it easier to navigate a document, like select DOM elements, develop Ajax applications and etc. Throughout the tutorial you will learn how to apply an array inside a nested loop. So let's start coding Creating The Mark Up To start with the form, open any kind of text editor that your computer have(notepad, notepad++, etc).

Very Basic Java Fighting Game

Submitted by mjcabalar on
Sharing you the source code of this simple fighting game created in java[eclipse]. You will learn character animation, basic interaction and some AI implementation. If you have some questions just spam me at mark[dot]cabalar[at]yahoo[dot]com. Visit Part 1 and Part 2 for some additional information. Live Demo: https://youtu.be/luaRV3-530U Visit my blog: https://www.freetorials.com Happy coding!!!

HINM Enrollment and Library System (VB.NET 2012 and SQL Server 2012)

Submitted by bryan_hayag on
In order to run this program, you need to setup the database found on the following URL: Enrollment System: http://www.sourcecodester.com/visual-basic-net/11235/hinm-enrollment-system-installer-project.html Library System: http://www.sourcecodester.com/visual-basic-net/11236/hinm-library-system-installer-project.html Read the Guidelines in the Installers for setting up a SQL Server and SSMS

Simple Date Range Search Using PHP/Ajax

Submitted by razormist on
In this tutorial we will try to create a search function based on the two date range using Ajax. Ajax is a client-side script that communicates to server without the need for a complete page refresh. By using ajax It let's your website more interactive to the user. Most of the function in facebook uses ajax, that's why it is very convenient to use. Now that we know how about ajax, let's start coding. Creating the database In creating a database we just need a program to make a database worked (wamp, xamp, etc..).