Expression Parser and Evaluator

Submitted by nostradamus1566 on
Jonathan Wood Of BlackBelt Coder wrote an expression parser / evaluator in C#. It is available on his website to download for free. I found the expression parser / evaluator interesting, because it is a very good example of advanced programming, so I decided to convert the source code to Visual Basic.Net, in order to learn more about programming in that language.

Online Bus Booking System

Submitted by Ronald Ngoda on
This is an online bus ticket/booking system. With this system bus company owners can easily manage the bookings/reservations for seats in their buses. Company owners can manage bus routes, bus availability and list all the buses and seats. With this system customers cannot book for seats that have already been booked. Customers can not also create double reservation. For example if a customer has

House Rental Management System

Submitted by Ronald Ngoda on
This an absolutely fantastic rental management system for house owners.It is suitable for any kind of houses for rent.Landlords will no longer have a cumbersome time searching through voluminous book records trying to update their tenants details but instead are presented with an intuitive management dashboard that gives them an insight about their tenants and houses. with this system you can