Upload Any Image Size using PHP and Javascript Resizer

Submitted by Imani Mbwaga on
The image resizing has been a problem for programmers. Here I have developed a PHP Image upload that can handle any size even if you have slow internet connection. It can upload to your server without problem. The file is zipped and have it attached with sql file and database. You dont need a login credentials. Download it for free. Feel free to contact me for any technical support or development

Online Class Record System Using PHP/MySQLi

Submitted by janobe on
This class record system is a web-based system that aims to minimize the work of advisers or instructor in a school in processing the class record. In this system the instructor can add grades and the students can take examination through online. This also includes a scheduling of classes and can print report of grades in every instructor. This system will certainly help establish an effective management within the school.