Python Custom Modules

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • Modules
  • Modules in Python
  • Creating your own Modules
  • Using your own Modules
  • Finding contents of a Module


We have been using Modules for quite a while now. We noticed that after importing the modules we had access to more functions in our code. So a Module is a package that contains different sets of functions, classes and variables. Whenever be bring the module in our code we get those extra functions by just writing a single line of code at the top.

Python JSON Parsing

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • JSON
  • JSON parsing in Python
  • Converting to JSON


JSON simply means Javascript Object Notation. It’s a standard format for exchanging data. It provides a simple way to organize information in easily readable format. JSON is important in Python because Python can also handle backend and front end web development tasks. An excellent library used for web development tasks in Python is called django.

Python Iterators

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • Iterators
  • Iterators in Python
  • Developing your own Iterator


We use iterator when we want to go through all elements of collection. It doesn’t need a specific collection or data type, it works irrespective of implementation.

Iterators in Python

ListView demo

Submitted by Prasenjit Halder on
ListView demo. This is a simple example of listview. User can add, edit and delete records and use it later on. User can extend listview column, user can use it as option panel also. This example came with some code which user can extend and manage according to requirement.

Python Inheritance

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • Inheritance in Object Oriented Programming
  • Inheritance in Python
  • Overriding in Python OOP
  • Private members of Parent Class

Inheritance in Object Oriented Programming

Inheritance is an important concept in Object Oriented Programming. Inheritance means getting something from the parent and in programming it means the same the child class inherits methods and properties from the parent class. It enables code reusability and resembles real world relationships.

Python Class and Object

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • Classes and Objects
  • Class in Python
  • Object in Python
  • Alter an Object

Classes and Objects

Object Oriented Programming Languages works with two main features Class and Object. In this programming paradigm we create containers that contains different properties and methods. These methods are used to modify the properties in some way and we name these containers as Classes. Objects are instances of a Class and they have access to the properties and methods of that class.

Online Scheduling System

Submitted by razormist on
Online Scheduling System with Source Code is a PHP project that designed to solve the timetable and scheduling problems of some schools. The system was created using PHP, HTML, MYSQLi and Javascript. This system has the capability to show the room schedule, courses and subject in order to avoid conflict within the class schedule. You can dynamically create your user account to access and manage