Update Row Using JavasScript

Submitted by razormist on
In this tutorial we will try to do Update Row using JavaScript. The program will dynamically update the table row by clicking the edit button. This is a free code, you can modify and use this code as your reference. To learn more about this, just follow the steps below.

Getting started:

First you have to download bootstrap framework, this is the link for the bootstrap that I used for the layout design https://getbootstrap.com/.

The Main Interface

This code contains the interface of the application.

Restaurant Ordering System

Submitted by razormist on
Restaurant Ordering System with Source Code is a C++ program that can order food items in a computer generated way and also can calculate the bill of a customer. The system was developed using C++ language. The system contains basic functionality, the user can easily access the program without providing a login information. The user must enter a certain numeric keys to order a certain food item

Poisson Distribution in Python

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • What is a Poisson Distribution?
  • Poisson Distribution Implementation in python
  • Visualization of Poisson Distribution

Poisson Distribution

The Poisson distribution is the discrete probability distribution of the number of events occurring in a given time period, the average number of times the event occurs over that time period is known. The number of experiments in Poisson Distribution are always fixed.

Binomial Distribution in Python

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • What is a Binomial Distribution?
  • Binomial Distribution Implementation in python
  • Visualization of Binomial Distribution

Binomial Distribution

If the experiment can only have two outcomes in a certain situation with certain conditions and limitations, and we perform it multiple times, then the results obtained will produce a binomial distribution. For example, if we toss a coin, there can be only two possibilities, either the result will be head or it will be tail.

Normal (Gaussian) Distribution with Python

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • What is a Gaussian Distribution?
  • Gaussian Distribution Implementation in python

Gaussian Distribution

Gaussian Distribution also known as normal distribution is a probability distribution that is symmetric about the mean and it depicts that that the frequency of values near the mean is greater as compared to the values away from the mean. Gaussian distributions are symmetrical while all symmetrical distributions are not Gaussian distributions.

Python Seaborn

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • What is a seaborn library?
  • Seaborn installation
  • How we can use it to plot graphs?

Seaborn library

Seaborn is a library using which we can make statistical graphs in Python. Seaborn is based on library “matplotlib”, it is utilized for creating static, animated and interactive visualization but since seaborn is more latest, interactive, flexible and easier to code with, hence it is more use friendly and preferred among the programmers.

Ping Pong Game Using jQuery

Submitted by razormist on
Ping Pong Game with Source Code is a JavaScript project that is a multi-player game where both players must rally the ball until one of them missed. The program was developed using JavaScript, CSS and HTML. The program is very challenging and very fun to play, in order to win players must hit the ball until one player failed to catch the ball. The players can navigate the log via keyboard (Player

NumPy Permutations

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • What is Random Permutation?
  • NumPy Permutation function
  • NumPy Shuffle function

Random Permutation

Permutation is a mathematical term and permutation of a set is defined as the arrangement of its elements in an sequence or a linear order and if it is already arranged then permutation is the rearrangement of its elements in another sequence. The number of permutations for a specific data set can be calculated using a formula.

NumPy Data Distribution

Submitted by moazkhan on

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • What is data distribution?
  • How data distribution is carried out in Numpy?

Data Distribution

A data distribution is a listing that shows all the possible values within the given intervals or data limits. It also tells the number of occurrences of each element. Usually the distributed data is ordered from lowest to highest or alphabetically and chart or graphs are used to represent it.