Creating an Area Chart using Chart.js with PHP/MySQLi

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to create a statistical representation of data in MySQL Database using Chart.js with PHP to fetch data from the database. In this tutorial, I'm going to show an area chart representation of data from our database. I've also added a form that can save data to our database to practice this tutorial.

Creating a Simple Upload File with AngularJS Progress Bar and PHP/MySQLi

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles how to create a progress bar in Angular JS. Angular JS is a javascript framework maintained by Google and is capable of creating Single-Page Applications. In the case of this tutorial, we show our progress bar on file upload to track its progress. Increase your upload size by editing your php.ini for uploads.

Library Management System Using PHP and MySQL with Source Code

Submitted by breakthrough2 on
This is a Simple Library Management System project that was developed using PHP. The system has 2 types of system users which are the Administrator and the students. The administrator is in charge to manage system data such as the books. The student users can read the announcements and borrow books. The system also computes the overdue fines of the students for their borrowed books. This is a

Phone Shop Sales Managements System using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by Roo on
This is a PHP Project entitled Phone Shop Sales Management System. This project manages the phone store's sales transactions. This web application stores the phone shop's stocks and records the available stocks. This also generates a printable invoice. The project has 3 types of users which are the Administrator, Manager, and Seller. The source code is easy to understand which can help you learn

Creating a Simple Login Using MySQLi Prepared Statement and jQuery

Submitted by razormist on
In this tutorial, we will create a Simple Login Using MySQLi Prepared Statement / jQuery. Most of the websites nowadays are required to use MySQLi / PDO statements due to the depreciation of MySQL. This time we will try to work out with MySQLi and Ajax call function to make our simple application more interactive. Let's start coding! Creating the Database First, we will create the database Open

Creating a Simple Dynamic Input using PHP and jQuery

Submitted by razormist on
In this tutorial, we will create a simple PHP web application that has a feature allowing the user to dynamically add inputs to the page to save the forms at once. We will be using the jQuery Plugin in order to meet our goal. Also, we will use the Bootstrap Framework to have a pleasant user interface. So, let's get started... Getting Started Requirements Download and Install the latest version if

CRUD Operation and SQL App using C# with Source Code

Submitted by Abdul Wahab on
This is a simple Source Code called CRUD Operation with Search in C# and SQL. This simple prohram will help you to learn how create a C# program that has a Create, Read, Update and Delete features with Search data. The source code itself uses only a single form where the said operation/feature can be done. Controls & Database The below list are the controls I have used. Forms TextBox Label Button

Creating Simple Like and Dislike Button Using AngularJS

Submitted by razormist on
In this tutorial, we will create a Simple Like and Dislike Using AngularJs. AngularJS is a structural framework for dynamic web apps. It is a kind of template that extends HTML to a new level of coding techniques. It is mostly used by another well-known site for creating a template. So let's take a look. Creating a form This is where we will display all the data, to do that just copy/paste the

Onana Hospital Management System with C# with Source Code

Submitted by Wisdom Agbenu on
This project is a Hospital Management Application that was developed using C# as the front-end and MS SQL Server Database as the backend. This program manages the hospital's employees' appointments, patients, Transactions, billing, and more. The system has multiple user types which are the Administrator, Cashier, Doctor, Nurse, and Pharmacist. The Admin users have access and can manage all the

Tenant Directory Management System using PHP/PDO with Source Code

Submitted by ronneldlt on
This project is entitled Tenant Directory Management System that was developed using PHP/PDO. The system has a Floor Plan of the specific building that indicates the exact location of the stalls of each tenant of the specific commercial building. The system also processes the tenants' lease payments and electricity bill payments. This project has 3 images of floor plans which are the Ground Floor