Updated PhoneBook (Save,Search,Add,Edit,Update,Delete) Object Oriented!Using Ms-Access OledbConnection

This is an Simple Phone book Application for Add Edit Update Delete Using Object Oriented Programing applying (Encapsulation, Polymorphism and Inheritance). I Hope this Application will help you guys to enhance your coding in .Net, I am not saying that I am already Pro or Perfect I am also still in practicing to write a nice and readable codes and share it to all of you..


Human KNOWLEDGE Belongs to the WORLD! but WISDOM Belongs to GOD! God Bless Keep on Coding! Love your Work ^_^

Thanks Guys!

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Hi: Please leave any comment after downloading or checking up this code. so I know what should I improve more.Thank you.... God Bless Love your work^_^

Thank you for your message and i have known what should i do now.It helps me a lot~~Thank you very much~~

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Nice to hear that did dis application also helps you? What message do u mean? ^_^ God Bless!

..,wow nice po..ty

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Hmmm Thank you..More applications to come after my projects ^_^ Godbless ^_^ Keep on Coding Love your Work ^_^

To all of you this is my MASTER The one introduce me OOP please visit his forums and blogs to learn more about .net framework.. Thanks Sir!Happy coding..

Thank For you Many more.



Thank you..Where you from? More Apps to come I'm a lil bit Busy right now ^_^ God Bless

i am really feel to be proud on you which helps us....in project by providing source codes........ which really help us........those who r beginers in visual studio.net.. thanx a lot..........

Thank you Very much for appreciating my Project I really want to help those programmers that needs my help and share what I've known Even I'm just a Beginner only..I will help as soon as I can ^_^ I'm a lilbit Busy right now but more Apps to come ^_^ Godbless! Human Knowledge belongs to the WORLD "BUT Wisdom Belongs to GOD!"

In reply to by xiankaylle

please can you help me with updating phonebook we have to show the name address age position

your project heling me a lot..but pls can u send me some project using VB.net on Banking system my mailid is [email protected] all the best buddy.... have a nice day..

nice work...!! keep it up.. but your interface does not look good for me.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I'm Not Per suing my Interface.I'm Directing Object Oriented Programming Not the User Interface.I can Make my User interface more elegant but since my Goal is to help the developers No need to do that.Thank you for viewing my Work Hope this Helps you. God Blessd9K3

thax! I'm beginner, I'm downloading this project to practice.

you are really good with subject programming: wish that has more code for share to every one who has problem with code ,

Hi Dear, You make a Excellent project. I wish you all the best. so, I want to know how to reduce the quantity stored table to for-sale table. like transaction. i want to know it immediately. because i making a system for small market. any body know about this please inform me.(C#.net or Vb.net) My mail is : [email protected] Thanks All....

Good day. I download your project but i cant run it and also i cant find the code. can email your project to me just to finish my project.thank [email protected]

it's really great!!

this help me a lot thanks' a lot baby


Hi your software is great but am having an issue with the edit button. I am unable to edit and existing record. Pls help thanks Email: [email protected]

Thank you xiankaylle for a good sample that describe Data Object Functions’ have started another project using your DOF sample. I have tried different way's to update a row using field one as LINK_ID and auto number. There is only errors- different errors in the: Public Class Updatedata : Inherits DataObjects. How do I UPDATE Link SET - WHERE LINK_ID=@LINK_ID and shall I .Parameters.Add(New OleDbParameter("@LINK_ID", OleDbType.Integer, 4, , "LINK_ID")). I'am not shure if it's the one or the other that causes the error. In advance thanks xiankaylle best regards aegnorway

If there is more than one person with same name all those rows will be updated with same data. I have tried to update row data to the unique ID number. Can't do How do I update to a unique number?

any one help me ! which is better for develop mobile/pda application with sqlserver 2000 or 2005 pls tell me which software can use

hello sir ; please help me, my project of information system in vb .net 2008....... my email add is [email protected] help me sir to my project.....

i need your help sir. i cant access the codes. i registered already. can u plz send to me the codes and the steps on how will i create a phonebook as creative as yours?plz sir. i need it for my project to be passed next week. tnx. God bless. here is my email add: [email protected]

help me sir..i need sample of sales inventory system using visual basic 2005 can you send me a program in may email [email protected]
i need it for my thesis.. hope you can help me.. plzzzz

i extrect the all file but no any one file can run on my windows 7 can u help me that how can i run it . thanks

Is there any code to make a call from your application to Skype?

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