random number generator

The Role of RNG in Gaming—From Slots To Video Games

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Random number generators do what they promise. They’re a way for people to randomly generate a number within certain parameters. They’re the sort of thing that can be used for a prize draw to decide a winner. But you can also extrapolate this and see how RNGs can make a big difference to the gaming industry. Put simply, they provide a way for a game to have a 100% random outcome that doesn’t give

Random Number Generator in C#

Submitted by donbermoy on
Some of the systems and applications today are using a Random Number Generator to generate random id number which will be used for their id in the database or let's just say an application by guessing a number. So in this tutorial, I will teach you how to create a program that generates a random number using C#. So, now let's start making this program! 1.