School Management System (SMS)

SMS handles all problems associated with management of school, including students record keeping, finance,examination, staff management,finance management and has access levels for the purpose of security. Login.for admin level.. username: admin pass: admin For These and many other of a kid.... Reach Me on Whatsapp: +254725873436 Email: [email protected]

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Hi, try to review finance and department Modal these folder is empty, i need full version please am patienly waiting the update

Hello Great Minds The project above is still coding....the few or more missing modules will be uploaded in a while am just working on them... thanks for the compliments...

thanks sir for this project, now i finally got an idea on how to develop the student portal that i proposed for our capstone project :) , may i have your permission sir to used this project and add some feature for my portal? :)

I have try to login with admin as username and admin as the password but it keep telling me login failed check username and password. What should I do Please.

oh it is a very good project, thnks alot papa, but i would like you to send the complete project on my email at [email protected]. thank u soo much.

Thanks so much for this wonderful development and the effort to make it accessible to students like me to have an insight on how to develop a piece like this. I really appreciate it a lot and would appreciate it more if you could send to me the complete project via email at [email protected]. Thank you very much.

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