How To Read XML File In PHP
Submitted by thusitcp on Monday, October 20, 2014 - 19:20.
Most of web applications handling lot of different kind of data sources in order to provide excellent service to its visitors. Application need properly define and fast feeding data sources to maintain quality of service. XML is one of leading data source which is used to provide various kind of services such as webservice, RESETFull service, RSS feeds and etc. In this tutorial I will teach you how to read XML file using php.
XML files are created with well define tree structure so it can be easily read and interpreted. Major programming language introduce XML file handling functionality for programming convenience. In this tutorial you are going to learn SimpleXMLElement class which is introduce after PHP 5..0.
Sample program contained channel.xml file which has TV schedule list for a day.
Syntax and usage of SimpleXMLElement class
Our sample program has class called class.tvSchedule.php which provides us required functionality to handle xml file operations. At first we need to create instance of above class and pass channel.xml file as a parameter to class constructor. (inside index.php )
You must understand those xml elements are map to object, so by iterating it we can access any of the elements. Also you should remember that function return xml as array object so we can access its element using its index or using for each statement as a key/value pair. Our file reading method as follows.
Then you need to call getChannelList() function in order to retrieve channel data
SimpleXMLElement is simplified the xml file handling process and provide lot of fashion to developer.
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <moviedata>
- <movie id ="sean">
- <name>Dr no</name>
- <stime>09:00</stime>
- <etime>11:00</etime>
- </movie>
- <movie id ="mathew">
- <name>Dr yes</name>
- <stime>09:00</stime>
- <etime>11:00</etime>
- </movie>
- <movie id ="roger">
- <name>Moonraker</name>
- <stime>13:00</stime>
- <etime>14:00</etime>
- </movie>
- <movie id ="sean">
- <name>Thunderball</name>
- <stime>01:00</stime>
- <etime>02:30</etime>
- </movie>
- <movie id ="sean">
- <name>Thunderballl</name>
- <stime>02:35</stime>
- <etime>04:30</etime>
- </movie>
- <movie id ="george">
- <name>Winter Break </name>
- <stime>22:00</stime>
- <etime>23:00</etime>
- </movie>
- <movie id ="sean">
- <name>Living Daylights</name>
- <stime>22:00</stime>
- <etime>23:00 </etime>
- </movie>
- <movie id ="daniel">
- <name> Skyfall </name>
- <stime> 11:00 </stime>
- <etime> 12:00 </etime>
- </movie>
- <movie id ="daniel">
- <name> Casino Royale </name>
- <stime> 12:00 </stime>
- <etime> 14:00 </etime>
- </movie>
- <movie id ="pierce">
- <name> GoldenEye </name>
- <stime> 11:00 </stime>
- <etime> 13:00 </etime>
- </movie>
- </moviedata>
- SimpleXMLElement implements Traversable {
- /* Methods */
- final public __construct ( string $data [, int $options = 0 [, bool $data_is_url = false [,string $ns = "" [, bool $is_prefix = false ]]]] )
- public void addAttribute ( string $name [, string $value [, string $namespace ]] )
- public SimpleXMLElement addChild ( string $name [, string $value [, string $namespace ]] )
- public mixed asXML ([ string $filename ] )
- public SimpleXMLElement attributes ([ string $ns = NULL [, bool $is_prefix = false ]] )
- public SimpleXMLElement children ([ string $ns [, bool $is_prefix = false ]] )
- public string getName ( void )
- public bool registerXPathNamespace ( string $prefix , string $ns )
- public string __toString ( void )
- }
- $movies = new SimpleXMLElement($this->xmlString);
- require ('class.tvSchedule.php');
- $movies = new SimpleXMLElement($this->xmlString);
- foreach ($movies->movie as $element) {
- //set channel name for current listing
- //print_r($element);
- $name = "";
- $etime ="";
- $stime ="";
- //echo $channel;
- foreach($element as $key => $val) {
- //assign variables for use in building listings array.
- if($key == 'channel'){
- } if($key == 'name'){
- // echo "booo";
- } if($key == 'etime'){
- //echo $etime;
- }if($key == 'stime'){
- }
- // echo str_replace(" ", "_", $name);
- //Add listing to correct channel removing white space within the listing name and replacing with "_"
- //as a by product a empty element was created remove it.
- }
- }
- $list = $tvSchedule->getChannelList();
- foreach($list as $key => $value){
- echo '<a href="#" class="list-group-item">'.$value.' </a>';
- }
Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.
Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.
1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.
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