Advanced Web Store Using PHP/MySQL

This is an Advanced Web Store of Dadad's Merchandising, a food establishment providing food ingredients. This is designed like the as having the shopping cart and an online ordering system. The features of this system are the following: - order product online - add, edit, delete product - shopping cart designed - search product in home tab - send order confirmation via email - manage online order - connected to online bank account for payment method - connected to PayPal for payment method - add delivery charge outside the coverage area - generates various report - add category of products - upload image of the product information - has check out for billing - create user accounts for admin and users - and many more To go to the admin panel, type this in your browser: - http://localhost/Dadads/admin User account for the administrator: - username: admin - password: lyndon Database name: dadadsdb Hope you will like it! :) For more inquiries and need programmer for your thesis systems in any kind of programming languages, just contact my number below. Best Regards, Engr. Lyndon Bermoy IT Instructor/System Developer/Android Developer/Freelance Programmer If you have some queries, feel free to contact the number or e-mail below. Mobile: 09121836390 Landline: 826-9296 E-mail:[email protected] Add and Follow me on Facebook: Visit and like my page on Facebook at:

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this is helpful website more more more!!!! i like to give 100 stars for your great efforts ,Thanks very much

how do I checkout the items on cart? like transfering those items on cart to database and add contact info on that order...I saw few codes but still confused...hope you can help me...

I just make database then when i log in it appears Table 'dadadsdb.tblaccount' doesn't exist

am learning how to create an online shop and your code was great help but how can i change the mysql to mysqli.. thanx

I hope this code will help me creating my clients project sytem

undefined index is the main prob of this system bat po my mga ganun code how to fix it? help pls

<strong>For index Page after line 3 just replace if else code with my code </strong>
<code> $displayImages = "";
if (isset($_GET['cat'])){
if($_GET['cat'] == "juice")
$sqlSelProd = mysql_query("select * from tblproduct where prod_cat = '$_GET[cat]'") or die(mysql_error());
else if($_GET['cat'] == "junkfood")
$sqlSelProd = mysql_query("select * from tblproduct where prod_cat = '$_GET[cat]'") or die(mysql_error());
else if($_GET['cat'] == "dessert sprinkler")
$sqlSelProd = mysql_query("select * from tblproduct where prod_cat = '$_GET[cat]'") or die(mysql_error());

$sqlSelProd = mysql_query("select * from tblproduct") or die(mysql_error());

This above code will solve your problem after that you get error on <strong>shoppingcart.php</strong> . After line 29 and before next comment line select code and replace with mine.....
$x = 0;
//echo $_POST['txtQuan2'];
//echo $_POST['txtHoldProdId0'];
foreach($_SESSION["cart_array"] as $each_product){
$i = 0;
$quantity = $_POST['txtQuan'.$x];
$prodStock = $_POST['txtHoldQuan'.$x];
$prodAdjustId = $_POST['txtHoldProdId'.$x++];
if($quantity<1){ $quantity = 1; }
if($quantity>$prodStock){ $quantity = $prodStock; }


<a href="" title="1TECH.IN">My Website</a> ,
If you getting any trouble regarding this project ask me at : <strong>v.ray96610[at]</strong>
VISIT MY G+ <a href="" title="VIKAS ROY">HERE</a>

Hello, I tryed to run it on wamp server 3.0.6., but i got lot of mysql errors and I cant to login in admin page. Can someone help me to resolve this problem?

Undefined index: btnLogin in C:\xampp\htdocs\Dadads\admin\index.php on line 6 Undefined index: btnaddnew in C:\xampp\htdocs\Dadads\admin\admin_addnew_user.php on line 7 Notice: Undefined index: btnSearch in C:\xampp\htdocs\Dadads\admin\admin_editdelete_user.php on line 8 Notice: Undefined index: btnUpdate in C:\xampp\htdocs\Dadads\admin\admin_editdelete_user.php on line 9 Notice: Undefined index: buttonDelete in C:\xampp\htdocs\Dadads\admin\admin_editdelete_user.php on line 10 Notice: Undefined index: userid in C:\xampp\htdocs\Dadads\admin\admin_editdelete_user.php on line 11 Notice: Undefined index: btnSearch in C:\xampp\htdocs\Dadads\admin\admin_change_userpass.php on line 7 Notice: Undefined index: btnChange in C:\xampp\htdocs\Dadads\admin\admin_change_userpass.php on line 8 Notice: Undefined index: btnSearch in C:\xampp\htdocs\Dadads\admin\admin_search_user.php on line 9 And same with products.

hello.. I have follow your source code and it works great. But your project doesn't have checkout function. I have try others source code and implement with yours as well but it doesn't work. Can you help me with this? I'm new to php.

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