Electronic Voting System

AN ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEM This is an electronic voting system developed using php as the front-end and Mysql as the back-end. It is developed to eliminate the conventional paper ballot system being practice in some countries . Features: 1.) It is Secured. 2.) It is fast and confident. 3.) Result are accurate. 4.) Reduce crowd at polling unit. 5.) Instant result are release immediately after each vote. HOW TO USE: User must register first to obtain a unique election id and username that will serve as a pass before voting. Use your election id and username to login and choose which election to vote i.e presidential or governorship election. After which the current result will be displayed instantly.

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Fatal error: Call to undefined function session_register() in C:\xampp\htdocs\voting\includes\functions.php on line 58

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Don't forget this system was develop using php 5.26 and that most of the functions are now depreciated and wouldn't work in higher version. I have a complete e-voting using php 5.3 that may upload any time from now. Contact me +2348067361023, facebook.com/ndueso walter , [email protected]

Hi, pls I need a site where I can download a free project file for 'development of e-voting system'. Thanks


I need the source code for biometric voting system... hope that's what I'm about to download, if not, I won't be happy I guys forced me to type a long comment... Thanks alot

Nycc cool dude awesome

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