Online Activity Logger with SMS Notification in PHP/MySQLi ( with Android Application)
Submitted by janobe on Monday, February 18, 2019 - 20:57.
This online activity logger system aims to notify students every time there is an upcoming activity in the school. With the use of a sms notification, every student will have the knowledge with the activities that is going to be held, in what place and time. This system contains two sides the admin and the student. In the admin side, the admin has the ability to create the event and announce it to the students through online. While in the student side, the student can update their accounts once they are already registered in the system. This also includes an android application so that they can easily view the list of activities in the school.
These are the following features of the system
Admin Side
- Manage Events
- Manage Announcements
- Manage Courses
- Manage Departments
- Manage Students
- Manage Users
Student Side
- Home
- View Events
- View Announcement
- Manage Profile
- Login and Logout
Android App
- View Events
- View Announcements
- Change Password
- Manage Profile
- View Calendar
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