CD Rental Colasaw
Submitted by colasaw2010 on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 - 11:57.
- import javax.swing.*;
- import java.awt.event.*;
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.text.*;
- import java.util.*;
- import*;
- import;
- import java.lang.*;
- CD CDRecord=new CD(DataFile);
- //===================
- public CDGui()
- {
- super("GUI CD");
- CDCont.setLayout(null);
- txtCDNo.setEditable(false);
- txtCDStatus.setText("available");
- CDCont.add(lblTitle); lblTitle.setBounds(150,10,200,30);
- CDCont.add(CDNo); CDNo.setBounds(20,50,50,30);
- CDCont.add(txtCDNo); txtCDNo.setBounds(70,50,100,30);
- CDCont.add(CDTitle); CDTitle.setBounds(20,90,100,30);
- CDCont.add(txtCDTitle);txtCDTitle.setBounds(70,90,300,30);
- CDCont.add(CDArtist); CDArtist.setBounds(20,130,100,30);
- CDCont.add(txtCDArtist);txtCDArtist.setBounds(70,130,300,30);
- CDCont.add(CDType); CDType.setBounds(20,170,100,30);
- CDCont.add(txtCDType);txtCDType.setBounds(70,170,300,30);
- CDCont.add(CDStatus);CDStatus.setBounds(20,210,100,30);
- CDCont.add(txtCDStatus);txtCDStatus.setBounds(70,210,300,30);
- CDCont.add(btnNew); btnNew.setBounds(5,270, 70, 30);
- CDCont.add(btnSave); btnSave.setBounds(80,270, 70, 30);
- CDCont.add(btnSearch); btnSearch.setBounds(155,270, 80, 30);
- CDCont.add(btnDelete); btnDelete.setBounds(240,270, 70, 30);
- CDCont.add(btnClose); btnClose.setBounds(315,270, 70, 30);
- {
- CDRecord.setCDNumber(txtCDNo.getText());
- CDRecord.setCDTitle(txtCDTitle.getText());
- CDRecord.setCDArtist(txtCDArtist.getText());
- CDRecord.setCDType(txtCDType.getText());
- CDRecord.setCDStatus(txtCDStatus.getText());
- CDRecord.Save();
- { txtCDNo.setText(CDRecord.GetNew_CDNumber());
- txtCDTitle.setText("");
- txtCDArtist.setText("");
- txtCDType.setText("");
- txtCDStatus.setText("available");}} );
- txtCDNo.setText(CDNumber);
- CDRecord.Search(CDNumber);
- txtCDNo.setText(CDRecord.getCDNumber());
- txtCDTitle.setText(CDRecord.getCDTitle());
- txtCDArtist.setText(CDRecord.getCDArtist());
- txtCDType.setText(CDRecord.getCDType());
- txtCDStatus.setText(CDRecord.getCDStatus());
- { txtCDNo.setText(" ");
- txtCDNo.setText(CDNumber);
- CDRecord.Search(CDNumber);
- txtCDNo.setText(CDRecord.getCDNumber());
- txtCDTitle.setText(CDRecord.getCDTitle());
- txtCDArtist.setText(CDRecord.getCDArtist());
- txtCDType.setText(CDRecord.getCDType());
- txtCDStatus.setText(CDRecord.getCDStatus());
- { txtCDNo.setText(" ");
- txtCDStatus.setText("available");
- else
- { CDRecord.Remove(CDNumber);
- txtCDNo.setText("");
- txtCDTitle.setText("");
- txtCDArtist.setText("");
- txtCDType.setText("");
- txtCDStatus.setText("available");;
- } }} );
- {
- setVisible(false);
- MenuGui app = new MenuGui();
- app.setResizable(true);
- app.setLocation(410,200);
- }} );
- setSize(400,350);
- show();
- }
- }
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i need cd rental system
please help me i need cd rental system in jform in java,,please help me..its my final exam...i begging you
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