How to Learn Basic Programming with Zero Experience
Submitted by anthea on Saturday, December 14, 2013 - 21:13.

There's a general question that everybody wants to be given an answer such as "how can a person with zero experience begin to learn basic programming?"
In regard with this question, best opinions gathered from some nitezens who contributed their answers.
According to Athenasc, in order to learn basic principles in programming, a person should try the, which enables to teach beginners how to code in C.
Jodaudier suggest that which also an online tutorial provide lessons which is only free for Ruby, Python, and JavaScript.
Meanwhile, if you want to learn the step by step process on writing search engine, a beginner could also visit as they provide basic methods.
Yahoo_throwaway opinion says, amazon can help the person without knowledge in programming as they sell this following books which will enables a person have interest on programming.
- Core Java (any edition after 5)
- Programming Pearls (2nd edition)
- Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs
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