ADM-Aeolus Laser Bursts Into Life: Wind Monitoring

Aeolus has finally surpassed all the hard proceedings after a long wait. the Engineers at Airbus in the Uk have finally surpassed all the challenges and proceeding that served as the hindrance for launching the satellite. Innovative works of technology created another High-tech invention that will help the human kind. This innovative invention is called as the Aeolus space laser. The laser will be lifted off to space after overcoming major technical challenges, the satellite will have an important mission. Aeolus will be assigned to forecast tomorrow's weather and to investigate the future climate scenarios. The innovative satellite will attempt to build a global, 3D view of the way the wind blows on Earth, from the surface of the planet all the way up through the troposphere into the stratosphere (from 0km to 30km). According to a report, Aeolus space satellite carries a laser instrument (lidar), called Aladin, that will probe down through the atmosphere to see which way the wind is blowing and how fast. Furthermore, the researchers confirmed that Aeolus will map the winds from an altitude of 400km. This new technology will be the first satellite to probe the wind globally. According to Prof. Erland Källén, Director of Research at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, said, “The Aeolus mission will provide wind observations that are unique with respect to the current global observing system capabilities. Furthermore, the researchers confirmed that the laser that carries by the satellite will generate ultraviolet light that is beamed towards Earth. This light bounces off air molecules and small particles such as dust, ice and droplets of water in the atmosphere. The fraction of light that is scattered back towards the satellite is collected by Aladin’s telescope and measured. The Innovative laser was designed by, Airbus Defence and Space in France, incorporates two powerful lasers, a large telescope and very sensitive receivers. In a recent report, the recent tests have shown that such technical problems have been resolved. This innovation of satellite was expected to improve weather forecasting of the world.

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