Simple Calculator

Submitted by agriel_101 on
This is a simple calculator written in Visual Basic 6.0. Public a1 As Double, a2 As Double, result As Double, degri As Double Public a As String, tem As Integer Dim countertitle, countertitle1 As Integer Dim title, title1 As String Dim titledance, titledance1 As String Private Sub cmd0_Click() txt = txt & 0 End Sub Private Sub cmd1_Click() txt = txt & 1 End Sub Private Sub cmd2_Click() txt = txt &

Visual Basic Auto Update Script

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create an auto update function for a program in Visual Basic. Notes: - You will need a website for the latest version to be hosted for download and checking. Or, for testing you can use localhost like I am (I'm using XAMPP). - If you're using a localhost, only people on your network can use this auto update function. Steps of Creation: Before we start we want to create a new form with one button for the update process to begin.

Name Generator in Java

Submitted by Sherwin14 on
This is a simple java program that will generate the letter or a word that you have been inputted into a bigger letter or word using asterisk (*) symbol. Sample source code: import java.util.*; /** * @title Name generator :D *@version 1.0 * @author Sherwin Pitao * */ public class Name { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.print("Enter your Name[Small Caps Only]:"); Scanner in = new

Book Finder Using Quick Search in Visual Basic.Net

Submitted by joken on
This tutorial is a continuation of “Book Finder Using Visual Basic.Net and MS Access 2007”. At this time, we’re going to learn how to put a Quick search. By using a quick search, we can save more time by specifying the title of a specific book, author, Dewey number and subject. To start with this tutorial, add a new textbox and name it as “txtquick” and a label, and change the text property to “Quick Search”.

Simple CMS using PHP (News Portal)

Submitted by canvasenx_xo on
Simple CMS (Content management System) using PHP/MySQL For beginner. This code will help you to understand the CMS and Data Retrieval Process using "ADMIN" login. The first page shows the data and for inserting new article and documents. You should log in with Admin Panel. It doesn't use SESSION variable. I will upload the final and complete source code with PHP session soon. Database name:KCC

Styling Java Buttons & Labels with HTML tags

Submitted by mehfuza on


Java buttons and labels support using different HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) tags. HTML is Web page development language where as Java is Programming language but still Java executes the HTML tags and displays the output according to the HTML tags. These tags can be used to insert new line on the button or labels or styling the text on the buttons and labels. Text Area does not support executing HTML tags it displays the tags as it is. Buttons and label support following HTML tags.

Tags Supported by Labels and Buttons


Math Mania Educational Game

Submitted by Ranielle Canlas1 on
This is an educational game created in vb6, there are simple math problems that is shown on the screen, and you must answer it as fast as you can. The time for each question is determined using the progress bar control below the answering box, if you answered the question incorrectly, or your time runs out, the game is over, the high score is recorded using the settings entry For more information

Picture Puzzle Game

Submitted by Ranielle Canlas1 on
This is a game made in VB6 that randomizes the position of 6 images, you must rearrange the pictures according to the result on stopping the randomization. You must drag the pictures below and drop it down to the boxes in the right side. For more information, visit my facebook account , search "Peter's Programs" on Facebook or Contact me via phone @09358571433