Count The Number Of Rows In The Database Table Using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by argie on
This tutorial will teach you on how to count the number of rows in your database table using PHP PDO query. to start with, follow the steps bellow.

Creating Our Database

First we are going to create our database which stores our data. To create a database: 1. Open phpmyadmin 2. Then create database and name it as "tutorial". 3.

Forum Tutorial - MOTD and Banning Messages

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is going to be covering message of the days and banning messages. Database Setup: First we are going to set the database up ready for storing our information, create a new table named "reasons", then give it the following columns of structure: id - INT - 5 Length - Primary Key - Auto Increment (AI/A_I) use - VARCHAR - 255 Length message - VARCHAR - 255 Length additional - VARCHAR - 255 Length We are going to make the use value "motd" for Message of the Day, or "ban" for the banning message.

Multiple Queries in One Table using PHP and MySQL

Submitted by ronard on
Hi, I would like to share this script. For those who are novice in PHP and MySQL. This script will teach you on how to select two tables/multiple tables from your database in one table in html. I used the ID of each student in "tb_students" table and to call thier grades in table of grades/tb_grades. So that the grades are display together with the student info. Hope this will help you to you. For

Linux Bug Exposes Open Source to "Goto Fail"

Submitted by blinkremz1 on
A communications library implementing a series of protocols, the GnuTLS has revealed that a bug has leaked on open source system which allows to bypass Linux distributions. According to, programmers using any versions of GnuTLS will be vulnerable on the attack. In order to mitigate the attack, the programming system must be upgraded to version 3.2.12. "An attacker could use this flaw to

Medicine Inventory and Patient Information System for Health Centers

Submitted by donbermoy on
Hi. This is a thesis made by the graduating students entitled " Medicine Inventory and Patient Information System for Health Centers". It was program through Visual Basic 6.0 and SQL Server 2000 as backend. Basic features: 1. Patient Registration 2. Check-up 3. Supplier 4. Stocks Inventory 5. Medicines 6. Patient's record 7. Schedule of Events 8. Order and Deliver Medicines 9. Calendar themes 10