Dates and Times

Submitted by joken on
One module in Visual Basic is DateAndTime . Which contains date values, time values, or date and time values. As a programmer, there are cases that we always display the date and time in our application or web application. Using visual basic we can manipulate dates and times in many ways. To do this, open and visual basic and create a new project and save it as “Datetime”.

For each Loop

Submitted by joken on
One way to loop over the elements in an array using visual basic is to use For each loop. Because it automatically loops over all elements in the array or collections. And it works well when you can associate each iteration of a loop with a control variable and determine that variable’s initial and final values.


Submitted by joken on
In programming, there are many cases that we need to reuse or we want to store many values in a single variable, but the problem is that variables can only hold one value. On the other hand we will be using an array. An array is a series of objects, with the same type and size. Each object in an array is called an element of an array.

Progress Bar

Submitted by joken on
Progress Bar is used to give visualization about the status of the current process and computer operation, such as a downloading , transferring of files, installation and more. Your application will look more professional if you are implementing a complex data processing using the Progress Bar. This time, we will create an example of a Progress Bar using Visual Basic. First, open visual basic and create a new project then, save it as “ProgressBar”. Then from the toolbox add a progressbar,label, button and a timer. Next, we’re going to add functionality to our application.

Arithmetic Operators

Submitted by joken on
In programming, the Mathematical operations are very useful because most of the time we are dealing with mathematical concepts in programming. We know that computers can perform a mathematical calculation much faster than humans. Also the computer doesn’t have the capacity to do calculations without receiving any instructions from the computer user.

For Loops

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
What is a For Loop? A For Loop is used to iterate through a script a certain amount of times. Personally, I use it to check conditions for each item within a group, list or array. How do I use a For Loop? To create a For Loop you first need to decide how many times you want a script to run.

MultiPlayer MP3/Radio/Video Player/SlideShow

Submitted by vangelios on
MultiPlayer - mp3-Player, Internet-Radio und Video-Player im Mini-Format. - spielt mp3 eines Musikverzeichnisses sowie .m3u-Playlisten (senderliste.txt) - spielt Internet-Radio-Streams (.m3u, .asx) aus der senderliste txt - spielt Videos aus beliebigen Verzeichnissen - ShutDown Timer (Sleep-Funktion) - Suchfunktion für Titel und (neu) CD Editor für die Senderliste, Suche und Löschen von Titeln


Submitted by Yorkiebar on
What are 'Arguments'? In programming, arguments are pieces of data which are sent to a function upon calling that function. Arguments can be any standard variable type, this includes types such as 'String', 'Integer' and 'Boolean'. What are 'Parameters'? Parameters (Params) are the pieces of data which are request or required once a function has been called.

Custom Functions

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
What are custom functions? Custom functions are functions which you have made yourself. They can be Private (only the class in which it is created can use it) or Public (any class may use it). They are able to take parameters/arguments, can return data and can be ran on separate threads. When should you use custom functions? Whenever you have a script which needs to be ran over and over again at different positions within your source code you should create one function to contain the script.

Eclipse support added to Google Apps Script

Submitted by jproimakis on
Aiming to help developers riddled by having to work on the Google Web page editor when using Google Apps Script, Google has now added support for a full-featured IDE in the form of an Eclipse plugin. The Eclipse editor will enable users to work on bigger than average scripts, implementing features that offer Google Drive syncing, as well as collaborative group implementation. The editor’s