E - Commerce

Operating System
If you’re in a hurry, then E-Commerce App is the best option for you. Late delivery, cold food, no change, low quantity, or same old Dal or Pizza - we wanted to solve this madness for you. So we built a whole new App for you that is a single point to order all your food - Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, Dinner, Desserts, Starters. Anytime, any craving, Any Food, E-Commerce App finds a solution for you. Just grab your mobile, place your order and get piping hot food delivered. With our army of delivery boys, we ensure that food once ordered through the App, is quickly delivered to you within an assured time. We assures delivery under 1 hour at a flat discount of 20% and no delivery charges. We have a simple two step ordering process to place an order. 1. Use the app & Select what you want to Order. 2. Get your Order in under an hour with a flat 20% discount. GREAT OFFERS, EASY PAYMENT OPTIONS AVAILABLE Start using our App and Banaeinapni life easy! If any queries regards to this app please contact me on my emailId : [email protected], Whatsapp Number : +91 8860254198 and skype Id : [email protected]. Get Full App Using This Link : https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/mrdewsis-food-grocery-delivery/id1188352620?mt=8

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