Hospital OPD System

Hospital OPD System created in Classic VB and MS Access Database. This project is good for beginners for it offer a very simple design and coding. Beginners, download now and don't forget to drop any comments for this post. I hope this could help. Happy coding coders! Regards, Leo

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i will comment dud but after check it.. but honesty it will nice... thanks for that..

The Log In and some other forms displays 'INVALID FILE FORMAT' Error.

I Think it will give a very good start to VB beginners

why this program says cant find project or library..this program has error?

this program has says library not found.what am i going to

download lvbutton.ocx and register to the system32

it ncant acess and check the output and also run

very good

i think is a good one

hey how R u ?

this program has error 

it says library not found.

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