Ceasar Cipher

Encryption and Decryption of plain text make in vb.net Like my page @ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AskCompTutor The Caesar cipher is so called because it was used by Julius Caesar to encode messages. The method used is very basic and with the technology we have today, would be easily decoded. Basically, Caesar took each letter (eg a) and replaced it with a letter that comes after a number of key positions in a precise . Example: takes the letter 'a' and replaces it with a letter that is two positions, ie after the 'c', in which case the key is '2 '. The project we're going to do is a bit 'more complex, in order to ensure greater security. Specifically, the key that we will use will not be made ​​up of single digits, but two or more digits, so those who try to decrypt a message, will have more difficulties to find the key

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password = lester1992

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