Constant Data Members and Objects

Submitted by moazkhan on

Constant Data Members and Objects

In this tutorial you will learn: 1. What are Constant Data Members? 2. What are Constant Objects? 3. Why to use Constant Data Members and Objects? 4. How to use Constant Data Members and Objects? 5. C++ syntax What are Constant Data Members? The data members that are once initialized and can never be changed are called constant member functions. Constant member functions are just like normal data members, only ‘const’ key word is added before writing the data type of the data member of the class.

Static Data Members in C++

Submitted by moazkhan on

Static Data Members

In this tutorial you will learn: 1. What are Static Data Members? 2. Why to use Static Data Members? 3. How to use Static Data Members in program? 4. Basic C++ syntax What are Static Data Members? Static members are those data members that retain their value , whenever the static member is reused in the program. Static data members store the latest value in them so that the value will be used for next time when the function that makes use of static data member is called.

Returning Objects from Function in C++

Submitted by moazkhan on
Returning Objects from Function in C++ In this tutorial you will learn: 1. How to pass an object in a function argument 2. How to return an object from a function 3. How to write functions outside class 4. Basic C++ syntax In C++ when we need to return a variable from a function we have to write its return type before the name of function and arguments.

Super Market Product Quality Verification System

Submitted by theadmiraleliud on
This system is about Super Market Product Quality Verification System. We validate product before buying. The system has the following module: 1. user form records 2. location of super market place 3. user registration 4. admin module 5. quality process 6. comparison 7. pricing module Credit to Eliud M Aganze DIGITAL GENERATION on Facebook on TWITTER enjoy ur day

Random Rolling Numbers Game in C#

Submitted by donbermoy on
In this tutorial, we will create a game called Random Rolling Game using C# that is rolled randomly with its number and has a Progress Bar that serves as a timer. 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application in C# for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application. 2. Design your interface like this: design 3.