Web Page Overlay

Submitted by GeePee on
In this project, you will learn how to create overlay and transparent div background. By clicking the images, div overlay will appear with the original size of the image clicked and also it has a transparent background which looks like a new window but it's definitely not. It's just a div set to 100% width and height and opacity of .8 which covers the whole content of the page. Hope you learn from

Add/Remove Form Fields

Submitted by GeePee on
This project will teach you how to add more form fields using javascript. I have example form inserting personal info including spouse, and children's name. In children's section, the user has an option to add another form field to filled up. By clicking the + button, it will automatically add form fields. Hope you learn from this.

Linked List using C++ part 2

Submitted by moazkhan on

Data Structure using C++

In this tutorial, you will learn implementation of following functions 1. Constructor 2. Checkempty() 3. Traversal 4. Insertion at beginning Along with this tutorial, C++ code is given which has structure node and class Linklist containing these codes with a main to help you in understanding how these functions are being used. What is the code of constructor? The code of the constructor utilizes the fact that we want to make a check empty function which returns 1 if linked list has no element and 0 if it has elements.

jQuery Datatables

Submitted by GeePee on
In this project, you will learn how to use data table jquery plugin. Just add the data table plugin in your project and with a single javascript code, data tables can be initialized. This will enhance the accessibility of data in html tables. Hope you learn from this.