Linked List using C++ part5

Submitted by moazkhan on

Linked List using C++ part5

In this tutorial, you will learn 1. Code of adding a node in middle of an ordered linked list. 2. Code for deleting a node in the middle of linked list. What is the code for adding a node in any location in ordered linked list? If you have read the previous tutorial, you already know that an ordered linked list is one in which data is arranged in ascending order. So when you add data in such a list, it must not distort the ascending order of list. Hence, you cannot add data anywhere in the list.

Calculate Your Weight on Other Planets using Excel

Submitted by nostradamus1566 on
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with a user defined function in VBA to calculate you weight in kilograms, Lbs, and stone on the 8 planets MERCURY, VENUS, EARTH, MARS, JUPITER, SATURN, URANUS, NEPTUNE. This Microsoft Excel spreadsheet contains a new function called YourWeightOnPlanet(p, w). p = planet name as a string. w = your weight in Kilogrammes Use the function like this: =YourWeightOnPlanet(C9, G

Enabling Submit Button

Submitted by GeePee on
This simple project will teach you how to enable submit button when a radio button which corresponds to a certain action is selected. This is commonly used in "Terms and Condition" agreement. In this example, the submit button is only enabled once a user selects "I agree with the terms and condition". Hope this helps you with your current works.

File I/O in PHP

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to perform file I/O in PHP. I/O? I/O stands for Input/Output, and means writing/reading to/from files on the system. PHP Tags: First we need three things; The file you want to write the contents to - this can be pre-existing, or not. The contenst to write to the file. The default PHP tags, ready to write our PHP code. Here are the PHP tags, in which we will write our code...