Countdown Timer in JavaScript

Submitted by GeePee on
This project will teach you how to create a countdown timer in an easiest way by using jQuery plugin. Download countdown.js(just search countdown.js) and include it to your page. You can also modify the target date. In my example, I created a coming soon page which is the countdown of when the game is to be released. Hope you learn from this.

Online Examination Using PHP / MYSQL.

Submitted by tang3li2 on
Hi, This program is a full ajax(jquery) implementation it will cover features like javascipt(jquery element manipulation), php, mysql. Admin can add new examination input various answers, it will also show how to create your own MVC Pattern to reduce the reduncy of codings. The design was only using wire frame but the code is fully understandable because of the separation of model, views and

HTTPWebRequest WebProxy Proxies in C#

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create a HTTPWebRequest in C# using a proxy connection. Why Proxies? Proxies are sometimes required in certain web scraping applications due to the sheer amount of data that needs to scraped. Some sites temporarily - or even permanently - block IP addresses which are requesting/receiving large amounts of data in a short time to avoid the website's full bandwidth being used on that single IP, and therefore stopping the site from going offline for all other users as well.

Sticky Sidebar Scroll in jQuery

Submitted by GeePee on
This project will teach you how to create a sticky sidebar scroll on your web page. This is very useful especially for a site that has a large content but smaller sidebar. This is to prevent an empty space in the sidebar. In my example, the sidebar stops scrolling when the uppermost point of the sidebar reaches the top of the window page. The sidebar's position becomes fixed. Hope you learn from

Email Subscription List (2 - Sending Emails) in PHP/HTML

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This is a second part to my previous tutorial - 'Creating an Email Subscription List in PHP/MySQLi', found here; Mail Function: Before we can begin with our actual email subscription email sending script, we need to know exactly how we are going to be sending our emails. Luckily enough, there is a built in function in to PHP called 'mail', guess what it does...

Learning Queues in c++

Submitted by moazkhan on

Learning Queues in c++

In this tutorial, you will learn 1. The concept of queues 2. Implementation of queue 3. Array Based implementation of queues What is the concept behind queues? Queue is a type of data structures which works on the basis of First In First Out “FIFO”. It means that the data coming first is discharged first. Thus, data is entered from one end and taken out from other end. It is a linear data structure. Example: To understand, queues better, we can take example of a ticket line. In a line, the person entering first is always served first.

Web Page Video Background Using HTML and CSS

Submitted by GeePee on
This project will teach you on how to set video as a background on your web page using HTML and CSS. It is important that you have knowledge in CSS so you can arrange your text, input field or whatever you want to include in your page properly. We have many CSS tutorials in sourcecodester that you can check out. Hope you learn from this.

Email Subscription List in PHP/HTML

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create a simple email subscription service - part 1 - allowing the user to enter their email address. HTML: Before we can process any information the user enters and then add it to our database of email subscription addresses, we need to take the information from the user - for this we need a simple HTML form.