Buffer Overflow Attack Protection in C# .NET

Submitted by Yorkiebar on


This tutorial is on how to secure your application in C# from Buffer Overflow Attacks.

What's a Buffer Overflow Attack? (BTA)

A buffer overflow attack is when the user purposefully enters too much data in such a way that the program will spill the data across different memory locations which will cause unexpected behaviour such as opening another vulnerability for the attack to exploit. This works through the use of user input.

Switch Statements in C#

Submitted by Yorkiebar on


This tutorial is on how to use Switch statements in C#.


A switch statement allows a single variable or static piece of data to be checked for mulitple conditions, essentially like a long 'else if' statement but a lot more compact and with slightly more flexability.


To use a switch statement there are a few other keywords we need to learn first, one of which is 'case'. Case is a possible value of the variable or value being 'switched', this must be of the same data type as the value being switched and must be followed by a colon. Break

Trees in C++ Final part

Submitted by moazkhan on

Trees in C++ Final part

In this tutorial, you will learn 1. Different types of traversal of BST 2. Concept and implementation of inorder traversal 3. Concept and implementation of preorder traversal 4. Concept and implementation of postorder traversal What are different types of traversals of BST? In trees, there are three types of traversals 1. In-order traversal 2. Post-order traversal 3. Pre-order traversal What is in-order traversal? In inorder traversal, first the left child is accessed then root and then right child at last.

Editable Table in jQuery

Submitted by GeePee on
This project will teach you on how to create an editable tables using jQuery. This is very easy. You just have to include the editable table jQuery plugin in your project(you can google the plugin and download). Then, a few line of codes to save the edited data. Just click the table data to edit. By pressing enter and clicking outside or other table data, this will automatically update edited data

Image Mapping in HTML

Submitted by GeePee on
This project will teach you on how to image map using html. This is easy and simple project. Image mapping has the ability to hyperlink areas of the image to multiple destination. Just like my example, I have one image with with 6 boxes which contains different browser in each box. I set the coords of each box and link to it's preferred destination. The first 2 figures of the coords is the x, y

Binary Search Tree in C++

Submitted by moazkhan on

Binary Search Tree in C++

Note: We will use BST as abbreviation for binary search trees. Code is given with the tutorial separately for thorough understanding. In this tutorial, you will learn 1. About the data members of class of BST. 2. Implementation of constructor of BST. 3. Implementation of function to check whether BST is empty. 4. Implementation of function to insert a node in BST. What are the data members of BST? The class of Binary search tree has only one data member which is a pointer to the node of BST. It is named as root.