Palindrome Number in Java Application

Submitted by GeePee on
The following Java program application is a Palindrome Number. An integer is a Palindrome if it reads forward and backward in the same way, ignoring any leading minus sign. In this program, we use an input dialog box to get the input and an output dialog box to show the output. I will be using the JCreator IDE in developing the program.

Jewellery Shop Management in VB

Submitted by bhumiksonibk on

It is the live software for Jewellery shop to maintain the database and shop Schedules. Recently the Microsoft Visual FoxPro and Microsoft Office Access are using for maintain a record. But they are not able to handle large number of data and to provide a security and search record properly. They not have user interface, so it’s not user friendly. So, to provide the more convenient, user friendly

Movie Ticket Sale Java Application

Submitted by GeePee on
The following Java application program is a Movie Ticket Sale. This sample designs and implementation a program that prompts the user to input the movie name, adult ticket price, child ticket price, number of child ticket sold, amd percentage of the gross amount to be donated to the charity. . I will be using the JCreator IDE in developing the program.