Crypto Chart

Submitted by davidwachira on
A simple GUI that displays upto date data about Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, IOTA, Ethereum and CarVertical. The program is written using NETBEANS IDE. private void JButton_Cryptocurrency_chart_EnterMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { if (JComboBox_select_cryptocurrency.getSelectedIndex() == 0) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please select a CryptoCurrency from the Combobox"

Basic Library Management System

Submitted by JM Palen on
Library System is designed to store students (borrowers) info and their individual file in an institution regarding on the library transactions. This system is a user-friendly program able to print reports, view students’ file or transactions in the library and even can monitor for the books borrowed and books returned. Backend Microsoft Sql server 2005

Google Map Hybrid

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to create a HYBRID Google Map type. The default map type of Google Map if not set is, ROADMAP, which shows the street view of your selected coordinates. Hybrid is a map type that shows the major streets in satellite images of your selected coordinates.