Advance Login Form in ASP.NET

Submitted by Hasan soherwardi on
Tecnology use:
  1. .Net framework 4
  2. ASP.NET with C#.NET
  3. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
In this application you will to learn how to create:
  1. Login
  2. Remember Password
  3. User Registration with photo
  4. Show user info
  5. Change User Info
  6. Change Password
  7. Validation Controls
Login Information: UserName: Master Password: Master123 UserName: Indian Password: Indian123

Heart Monitoring System Connected with Arduino Using Serial

Submitted by Alex O Akinwande on
This is the project I help group of student develop and I believe communication with arduino using is useful for public. This is a software that has a receiver and sender, the sender is a device which measure the heart rate and send it through nrfl24lo to the receiver arduino which is connected to the system, the software has the following feature: Can Plot graph of the receiver heart rate

CodeIgniter File Upload with Flashdata

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to upload files in CodeIgniter with flashdata. CodeIgniter is a PHP framework that uses MVC(Model-View-Controller) architecture. Flashdata are a type of session but is just set one time means that after you reload the page, this data is removed. Flashdata are usually used when displaying action messages like success or errors.