SMS Software v1.1 with Read/Write Phonebook to your SIM Storage - jSMSPlugIn.dll

This version is free for non commercial evaluation purposes. You can Use this Sourcecode as your reference. An advertising text "Powered by : Jay Celeste [[email protected]]" is added to the beginning of each SMS sent. Also this Trial version allows reading the text of only the first Five SMS from Inbox memory and does not allow reading of SMS sender's phone no. VERSION : August 07,2011 jSMSPlugin.dll v1.0 has the ff. Features: 1. Read GSM Modem Information 2. Read All Unread/Read Messages from your Inbox 3. Delete Per Message / Delete All Message 4. jSMSPlugin.dll is easy to handle jSMSPlugin.dll v1.0 - August 08,2011 : 1. Write Phonebook Entries to SIM Storage 2. Read Phonebook from SIM Storage And Other features will be out soon. If you want it , buy it. ^_^ For you comments and suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact me . and if you got errors or any problems regarding this project, please report it to me . Thank you so much and Godbless CREDITS: To Admin and to sir Emond

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hehe nice WORK!! ^_^ matagal ko ng hinihintay na may mag post d2 ng OPEN SOURCE about that project ^_^ galing mo!! ^_^ pag aaralan ko to hehe ^_^ sana WORKING.... ^_^

Galing naman......Pwede makuha contact number mu.... para pag mei ndi q alam ask q sau.... Galing....

SMS Software v1.1 Thanks Jagath-SriLanka 2011-09-24

Public Function SendMessage(ByVal TextMessage As String, ByVal DestinationNo As String) As Boolean Dim flag As Boolean If Me.IsOpen Then Me.m_SerialPort.WriteLine("AT+CMGF=1" & ChrW(13)) Thread.Sleep(200) Me.m_SerialPort.WriteLine(("AT+CMGS=""" & DestinationNo & """" & ChrW(13))) Thread.Sleep(200) If Me.IsLicensed Then Me.m_SerialPort.Write((TextMessage & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(26))) Else Me.m_SerialPort.Write(("Powered by : Jay Celeste [[email protected]]" & TextMessage & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(26))) End If Thread.Sleep(200) Me.receivedData = Me.m_SerialPort.ReadExisting If (Information.UBound(Strings.Split(Me.receivedData, "ERROR", -1, CompareMethod.Binary), 1) > 0) Then Return False End If Return True End If Me.AboutME Return flag End Function Public Sub AboutME() MsgBox("Powered By : Jay Celeste [[email protected]]" & ChrW(13) & "jSMSPlugin v1.0 @2011", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, Nothing) End Sub

how do the barcode system redering and add code

sir jay, nag email po ako sayo regarding sms (revd and send). maraming salamat...

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