Library Management System


Credits to admin the one who create the Library System and Library Management System in Ms Access that is posted on this site
for giving the guides in creating the LMS...

This system is created to replace the manual lending, returning and inventory of books.


 * 2 user account administrator, able to use all system function while user, only for searching books..
 *advance search function using SQL "LIKE"
 *imposing penalties on due books...
 *add/remove books
 *classify books according to their category and class
 *lost and replace books..
 *hide system to system tray
 *and many more....


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In reply to by Ioana (not verified)

this program is very interesting program then place help me to develop sample data base about library cataloging, classification, searching...

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

hello can u plzzzzzzzz send us the code for library managemnt system..........

If you are a beginner and eager to learn programming, study every piece of code that you find here. Don’t forget to ask question.Be polite and use your initiative when asking a question. The lists below are some of the example of a stupid question: Can you give me source code on Payroll System? Please send it to my email. Please help me create Enrollment System with documentation. I need source code on Accounting ASAP. You are very lucky if somebody will send you a complete source code. Plus being a demanding person who’d like to ask somebody to email you. This message is not meant to discourage you, but rather teaching you on how to be polite on the internet. according to: ----""----

i had updated my project (LMS) download it again....i included there in my attachment a notepad with a complete password on my system... dont forget to read it...

In reply to by itachi_philip

sir good day to you about your updated LMS download link with codes i download the file but there is no code can i ask to you sir if you can send the codes i really apprciate the effort if you agree thanks and GOD [email protected]

what is the main feature of this program?

GOOD DAY SIR ITACHI_PHILIP, I AM REALLY IN A FIX RIGHT NOW AS I NEED YOUR HELP. I AM A FINAL YEAR COMPUTER SCIENCE STUDENT I AM TRYING TO DEVELOP A LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING VB.NET and SQLSERVER 2005,I HAVE BEEN ON THIS FOR SOME MONTHS NOW TO NO AVAIL. I AM TO DEFEND MY PROJECT ON MONDAY(22ND NOV. 2010) AND I STILL HAVE ERRORS IN MY CODES.I WILL ATTACH THE CODES I HAVE WRITTEN SO THAT YOU COULD HELP ME CORRECT IT OR POSSIBLY SEND YOUR MARVELOUS WORK FOR ME TO DEFEND WITH.I PROMISE TO ACKNOWLEDGE YOU IN MY SUCCESS AND ALSO REFERENCE YOU.PLEASE I REALLY DO NEED YOUR HELP(MY EMAIL:[email protected]) my codes Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class Form1 Dim CON As New SqlConnection Dim CMD As New SqlCommand Dim ADP As New SqlDataAdapter Dim DS As New DataSet Private Sub frmproject_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'TODO: This line of code loads data intothe 'DataSet1.TBLBOOKS1' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. Me.TBLBOOKS1TableAdapter.Fill(Me.DataSet1.TBLBOOKS1) 'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'DataSet2.TBLUSERS' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. Me.TBLUSERSTableAdapter.Fill(Me.DataSet2.TBLUSERS) END USER 'TO ADD NEW USER TO DATABASE Private Sub cmdaddusertodatabase_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdaddusertodatabase.Click CON.ConnectionString = "Data Source=LUVLYRUTY-PC\SQLExpress;Integrated Security=True" CON.Open() CMD = CON.CreateCommand CMD.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM TBLUSERS" CMD.ExecuteNonQuery() ADP.SelectCommand = CMD ADP.Fill(DS) Me.DataGridView1.DataSource = DS.Tables(0) TBLUSERSTableAdapter.InsertQuery(Me.txtmat.Text, Me.txtlastname.Text, Me.txtothernames.Text, Me.txtemail.Text, Me.txtphoto.Text, Me.txtpermission.Text) MsgBox("registered") 'TBLBOOKS1TableAdapter.ClearBeforeFill.ToString() TBLUSERSTableAdapter.Fill(DataSet2.TBLUSERS) CON.Close() If (Me.txtmat.Text = "" Or Me.txtlastname.Text = "" Or Me.txtothernames.Text = "" Or Me.txtemail.Text = "" Or Me.txtphoto.Text = "") Then MsgBox("ALL FIELDS MUST BE FILLED") Exit Sub End If End Sub 'TO ADD NEW BOOKS Private Sub cmdbookadd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdbookadd.Click CON.ConnectionString = "Data Source=LUVLYRUTY-PC\SQLExpress;Integrated Security=True" CON.Open() CMD = CON.CreateCommand CMD.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM TBLUSERS" CMD.ExecuteNonQuery() ADP.SelectCommand = CMD ADP.Fill(DS) Me.DataGridView3.DataSource = DS.Tables(0) TBLBOOKS1TableAdapter.InsertQuery(Me.cmbcat.SelectedItem, Me.txtisbn.Text, Me.txtbooktitle.Text, Me.txtauthor.Text, Me.txtpublisher.Text, Me.txtcopies.Text) MsgBox("registered") TBLBOOKS1TableAdapter.Fill(DataSet1.TBLBOOKS1) CON.Close() End Sub 'TO SEARCH FOR BOOOKS Private Sub cmdsearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdsearch.Click End Sub PLEASE I WILL BE VERY GRATEFUL.THANKS AND GOD BLESS YOU

Hey there LIMP! Salamat kaayo sa imohang blog. You made me earn 2$. hahahaha! Pro na kaayo ka ug dating hap!? Goodluck! Ayo ayo dira sa naawan... =D pabutang ug link ha? hehehehe... ayaw intawon i remove kay naa koy sweldo ana kada link nga mabutang.. hehehehe Marl @ stretch mark removal

hi plz help us get the source code of computerized library system? plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................................. ASAP............................................................................... S.O.S............................................................................. to [email protected] advance thank you very much!!!

Hi My name is hashemi I do have a problem with Crystal Reports Can you help me

anybody can let me know how to give path of Microsoft Jet OLEDB 4.0. where does it locate

sir i am computer science student and i developing a library system either its monitoring or inventory by i hope the simple only for the first .net project and using sqlserver 2008 i hope u can help me here is my e-mail [email protected]

sir can u help me giving us a code for library management system for monitoring only and design also? we really need it for our projects our developing project ... pls. response asap tnx... kindly e-mail at [email protected] Godbless

hi sir good day ! sir can you help me ? how can put vb6.0 or inside the ms access ? and how i connect to the ms access using thank you !! pls email me at: [email protected]


how to make automated library system plz help me....i use visual basic

just download my system... and get some information on that system.... Tips: Access VBA Code is closely similar to VB6... maybe you can get some part of my code in my system that to be implement in your system... or simply GOOGLE, or BING, or YAHOO, or ASK everything...

hai genius. what do i need, to make a file system using access that can search the status of file whether it is available or have been borrow. i need to have: search function add new file print status file have been borrow update new file staff wants to borrow file TQ

hey bro.... i do like you...u are really great..keep it up..but i do really have a big problem right now.....WALAY koy KWARTA na..tabangi ko beh....

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

for you to earn something.. you should do this "When you are good at something never do it for free..." - Joker (Batman, The Dark Knight)-

do you have a hard copy for this?

can u plz helppppp me in making a new system. it should contain some information like:- 1)to whom and when was file given( issue of file) 2)when was file return( return of file) 3)current loction of file 4)invertory of files accounding to year 5)reminder of work report report for all these

I'm an IT i'm in my last sem and i hv 2 come out with a system in my final project...i hv looked through a lot of websites including this 1..your system is awesome...simple and attractive...i hv decided 2 do some changes and submit it on my final pls can u help me out with this..hw can i change the codings...can u pls email me [email protected].. i will really appreciate it..i swear i will owe u a big favor..pls help me out here

Hi Dude... Thnaks for sharing ur code ... can you please send me the password for each user? My e-mail address is [email protected] Regards Mohammad

your welcome....anyway, to know the password of each user...just open the database and press F11 then go to tbluser...the username and password is there... Philip Cesar B. Garay BSIT-III Mindanao State University at Naawan Naawan, Misamis Oriental 9023 Philippines

I am making a desktop application in C# (University Library Management Software) I am confused. how can I start it because its my final project of my B.S degree so I don't have ideas and database so please can you help me, my id [email protected] Regard Usama Saleem

can u pls send me the library system in visual basic 6.0 coding for me? [email protected]

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

You can find many Library System in VB now on this site and on any other site that provides source code sharing like PlanetSourceCode and I guess, you should be resourceful enough on searching you program...

sir, can u plz send me a project on student information mgmt system with full coding.... tool : java,c , access, sql can b used... its really urgent... plz send me at: [email protected]

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