Hadith app Using HTML CSS JavaScript with Source Code


This JavaScript code is crafted to build a straightforward web application that retrieves a random Hadith (a saying or action of Prophet Muhammad) from a particular source, specifically Bukhari, utilizing an API.

Let's break down the key components and functionalities:

  1. **HTML Elements**
    • `hadis`: Represents the element where the fetched Hadith text will be displayed.
    • `narrator`: Represents the element where information about the Hadith's narrator will be displayed.
    • `.sound`: Represents an icon/button used to trigger the text-to-speech functionality.
    • `.stop`: Represents an icon/button used to stop the text-to-speech functionality.
  2. **Global Variables**
    • `speech`: Stores the SpeechSynthesisUtterance object used for text-to-speech functionality. Initialized to `null`.
  3. **`fetchRandomHadith` Function**
    • This function is an asynchronous function responsible for fetching a random Hadith from the specified API endpoint.
    • When invoked, it changes the text of the `newHadithButton` to indicate that the Hadith is being loaded.
    • It fetches data from the specified API endpoint (`https://random-hadith-generator.vercel.app/bukhari/`).
    • Upon successful retrieval, it updates the `hadithElement` and `narratorElement` with the fetched Hadith text and narrator information respectively.
    • If an error occurs during fetching, it logs the error to the console and updates the `newHadithButton` text to indicate the failure.
  4. **Event Listeners**:
    • `soundIcon`: Click event listener to trigger text-to-speech functionality when the sound icon is clicked.
    • `soundOffIcon`: Click event listener to stop the text-to-speech functionality when the stop icon is clicked.
    • `newHadithButton`: Click event listener to trigger the `fetchRandomHadith` function when the "New Hadith" button is clicked.
  5. **Text-to-Speech Functionality**
    • When the sound icon is clicked, it checks if the `speech` object is `null`.
    • If `speech` is `null`, it initializes a new `SpeechSynthesisUtterance` object with the text of the fetched Hadith.
    • It sets an `onend` event handler to reset the `speech` variable to `null` once the speech synthesis is completed.
    • It then invokes `speechSynthesis.speak()` to start the text-to-speech synthesis.
    • The stop icon click event listener cancels the speech synthesis by calling `speechSynthesis.cancel()`.
  6. **Initialization**
    • The code concludes with an event listener attached to the "New Hadith" button, invoking the `fetchRandomHadith` function when clicked.

Overall, this code creates a simple web application that fetches random Hadiths, displays them on the webpage, and provides functionality to read the Hadith aloud using text-to-speech.

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by SourceCodester.com for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.

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